Benefits of Employee Motivation

The forces that influence a person's direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior are known as their motivation. (Manik & Sidharta, 2017). The course that people direct their effort along is referred to as direction. People can choose where to direct their effort, as seen by this sense of effort direction (Yukl & Becker, 2006). In other words, motivation is not arbitrary; it is goal-Directed ( Abbah, T, 2014). People are motivated to meet deadlines, complete tasks a few hours early, and pursue numerous other goals. The level of effort devoted to the objective makes up the second component of motivation, called intensity ( Abbah, T, 2014).

Employee motivation has been identified as one of the main concerns of modern organizations. Professionals believe that employee turnover can also be managed effectively if the employees can be motivated effectively (Manik & Sidharta, 2017). Apart from enhancing employee retention, there are many benefits of employee motivation.

Increased Innovation

The motivation of a company's workforce plays a significant role on its capacity for innovation (Serrat, 2009). Innovation is crucial for a business’s long-term viability, thus it's important to foster passion and creativity at work (Serrat, 2009). Motivated staff members will be deeply committed in the company's success; as a result, they will frequently be in charge of developing fresh concepts and enhancing operational efficiency (Varma C, 2018). Innovation refers to workplace policies and attitudes that allow workers at all levels to fully utilize their skills, expertise, and creativity. It creates work environments where employees want to spend their days in order to advance the business and carry out their functional jobs as efficiently as feasible (Serrat, 2009). Evidence demonstrates that workplace innovation improves corporate performance as well as employee engagement and well-being significantly and sustainably (Varma C, 2018, p. Serrat 2009).

Increased productivity

The amount of employee motivation directly affects productivity (Varma C, 2018). An employee is more likely to put in more effort for the organization if they feel motivated at work (Varma C, 2018). When workers are motivated, they perform their duties to the highest standard, which leads to an increase in production (Kuranchie, et al., 2015). For instance, if an employee is motivated effectively, they work with their highest potential and are committed to what they do. If all the employees behave like this in an organization, its production and revenue will increase due to the efficiency of the workforce (Kuranchie, et al., 2015).

Increased Reputation

The value of a company's reputation is understood by executives strongly reputable businesses draw better talent (Esenyel, 2020). They can frequently charge more since they are thought to offer better value. Their patrons are more devoted and purchase a wider variety of goods and services. These businesses have better price-earnings multiples, market values, and lower costs of capital because the market expects them to provide sustained earnings and future growth (Esenyel, 2020).

The reputation of a company is one of its major assets. Reputation can affect the success or the failure of a company directly (Esenyel, 2020). Motivated employees are satisfied with the company, and they use “word of mouth” to boost the reputation of their workplace, which is beneficial for the company in many ways (Ey Chung & Yazdanifard, 2014).

Better Understanding of the Goals of the Company

Motivated employees want to know how their job contributes to the overall success of the organization as a result, they are always interested in learning about the company's mission, vision, and objectives. (Manik & Sidharta, 2017). Since they are engaged and committed, they do not act like outsiders and handle their responsibilities effectively (Varma C, 2018).

Better Customer Service

When an employee is motivated to excel in a client-facing function, it frequently transfers into superior customer service. (Kurdi B.A, et al., 2020). This can lead to increased consumer satisfaction and, as a result, more revenue in the long run. Maintaining a great client experience is critical in an era where customer happiness and online reviews are vital (Kurdi B.A, et al., 2020). Employees who are highly driven can assist the company in accomplishing this.

Employee Self-Development

Employees who are motivated tend to push themselves to achieve their personal and professional goals (Clark R.E, 2003) This aids in their self-development because they are eager to learn new abilities and adopt behaviors that will stimulate their growth. They strive to always improve themselves in order to achieve even greater levels of success for themselves and their organization (Clark R.E, 2003)

Apart from the above-discussed benefits, positive and friendly work culture, reduction of absenteeism, high levels of employee efficiency, utilization of resources, and better relationship between managers and employees are other benefits of employee motivation (Clark R.E, 2003) Thus, having a highly motivated workplace is important in achieving the organizational goals in the long run. (Clark R.E, 2003)

Reference list

Abbah, T, 2014. Employee Motivation: The Key to Effective Organizational Management in Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 16(4), pp. 01-08.

Clark R.E, 2003. Fostering the work motivation of individuals and teams. Performance Improvement, 42(3), pp. 21-29.

Esenyel, 2020. Corporate Reputation as a Strategic Management Tool: Through the Lens of Employees. International Journal of Management and Sustainability, 9(1), pp. 24-42.

Ey Chung and Yazdanifard, 2014. The Impact of Employee's Satisfaction on Company’s Well-being and Sustainability of the Company in the Long Run. Journal of Research in Marketing, 3(1).

Kuranchie-Mensah et al., 2015. Employee Motivation and Work Performance: A Comparative Study of Mining Companies in Ghana. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 9(2).

Kurdi B.A,Alshurideh M and Alnaser A, 2020. The impact of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction: Theoretical and empirical underpinning. Management Science Letters.

Manik E and Sidharta, 2017. The Impact of Motivation, Ability, Role Perception on Employee Performance and Situational Factor as Moderating Variable of Public Agency in Bandung, Indonesia. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 3(4), pp. 65-73.

Serrat, 2009. Harnessing Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace. Knowledge Solutions.

Varma C, 2018. Importance Of Employee Motivation & Job Satisfaction for Organizational Performance. International Journal of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 6(2), Pp. 10-20.

Yukl and Becker , 2006. Effective Empowerment in Organizations. Organization Management Journal, 3(3), pp. 210-231.







  1. Great job Christeena, furthermore employee motivation is one of the policies of managers to increase effectual job management amongst employees in organizations (Shadare et al, 2009). A motivated employee is responsive of the definite goals and objectives he/she must achieve, therefore he/she directs its efforts in that direction.

  2. In this century, employees are not only concerned about salary. They will look up on the facilities, working environment, work pressure, personal development and so on. Once they lack these things they will be shifting company since there are huge competition for experienced employees. So retension of employees is also a big task for the employer. In order to retain employees, to satisfy their job related needs,motivation and training plays a big role. A motivated and knowledgeable employee will always have better productivity than others which will inturn increase the productivity of company

    1. Thanks for the comment Uday, employee retention is regarded as the foundation of company success. It is defined as "a procedure in which personnel are encouraged to stay with the business for the longest possible period of time or until the objectives are met" (Singh & Dixit, 2011, p. 442). Within enterprises, the primary goal of staff retention methods and procedures is twofold. The first is to reduce employee turnover, and the second is to significantly reduce the associated costs of hiring, training, and orientation of new employees (Iqbal & Hashmi, 2015).

  3. Well descriptive blog post Christeena. Furthermore, Organizations in this dynamic globalized world are continuously trying to develop and motivate their employees to help achieve enhanced performance with various Human Resource applications and practices. Reward management system is the highly used practice for the enterprises to achieve the desired goals (Güngör, 2011). According to Barber and Bertz (2000), Reward management system helps the organizations to attract, capture, retain and motivate employees with high potential and in return get high levels of performance. Reward management system consists of both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards; where former involves financial rewards (salary, bonus etc) and the later includes non-financial rewards like recognition, security, title, promotion, appreciation, praise, decision making involvement, flexible working hours, workplace comfort ability, feedback, work design, social rights etc (Yang, 2008).

  4. Great article Christeena. Further, it is worthwhile to keep in mind that motivation is always a give and take. Varma (2017) points out that motivated and satisfied employees will be more committed towards organisational objectives. Going further, he adds it is vital that the organisation also shows parallel commitment towards meeting employees’ objectives accordingly.

  5. Great article Christeena. agreed with the content, For businesses, managers, and even front-line supervisors, employee motivation has always been of utmost importance because it has been and will continue to be the determining element in work performance, which will ultimately determine the success or failure of a firm. Kim Dongho (2006)


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