Benefits of Having a Highly Engaged Work Force

Employee engagement is a broad concept that encompasses practically all aspects of human resource management that we are familiar with. Employee engagement is built on preceding notions such as work satisfaction, employee commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior (Ullah, et al., 2018). Employee engagement is a broader notion that is connected to and incorporates these topics. Employee engagement is a higher predictor of positive organizational performance than job satisfaction, employee commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior, indicating a two-way link between employer and employee (Ullah, et al., 2018)Employees that are emotionally attached to their organization and strongly invested in their job with tremendous excitement for their employer's success will go above and beyond the employment contractual agreement (Sridevi M, 2010)

An engaged employee is a true asset to a company, everyone is talking about the benefits of having engaged colleagues around at work, and the engagement story is trending widely (Mohan.R, 2017). Every employer's desire is to have a passionate and engaged team that actively promotes their company Yet, according to Dale Carnegie and MSW, “a mere 29% of the workforce is engaged, a whopping 45% are disengaged, and 26% are actively disengaged”. there is a huge difference between an engaged workforce and an unengaged workforce (Mohan.R, 2017)

Figure 01: Difference between Engaged Workforce & Unengaged Workforce

Engaged Workforce

Unengaged workforce

Effective communication

Avoid communication

Good team player

Work alone

Motivate other employees

Complain about things

Stay with the company for a long time

Change jobs quickly

Do not enjoy the work and no job satisfaction

Work happily and satisfied

(Source: Mohan. R, 2017)

An engaged workforce can bring many benefits to its organization.

  1. Increased employee safety

Employees who are engaged are more aware of their surroundings because they are more linked to their workplaces. According to research, highly engaged workers had 70% fewer safety accidents. Instead, of worrying about advancement opportunities or whether their supervisor loves them, engaged staff may concentrate on the task at hand (Wickham, 2020). For instance, if an employee is given a difficult task to perform, they are more likely to perform it effectively if they are engaged in the workplace.

  1. Greater employee satisfaction

Employee satisfaction is not the same as employee engagement. Employee contentment measures the bare minimum, whereas engagement encourages everyone to strive for more (Ullah, et al., 2018). However, this distinction does not indicate that employee pleasure should not be a goal. Thirteen percent of Americans are either somewhat or extremely dissatisfied with their current work. If an employee is more engaged in what they do, they can be satisfied with the job.

      3.     High Retention

Employee retention is one of the most challenging tasks for organizations. With modern competitive development, employees tend to look for the best place for them to work. According to Wickham (2020), if the employees are more engaged in the workplace, the turnover rates are low, which saves a huge amount of financial and other resources for the company.

     4.      Higher profits and productivity

Proper employee involvement will contribute to increased profitability while also increasing productivity (Amah E and Ahiauzu A, 2013). Engagement provides the prospect that organizations with increased growth and profit bring about a more engaged workforce, rather than the other way around (Amah E and Ahiauzu A, 2013). As earnings rise, so does the potential for pay or bonus increases, which is likely to generate a pleasant feeling in employees and so improve their commitment to the organization (Ullah, et al., 2018).

     5.      Customer loyalty

Employees that are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to develop loyal consumers (Kurdia, et al., 2020). Employees who are engaged have a better grasp of how to address the demands of their customers, and as a result, customer loyalty is higher in organizations where the employees are involved (Vance R.J, 2006). Finally, this may result in what is known as 'customer engagement,' or a mental and emotional connection between the organization and the customer (Vance R.J, 2006).

Apart from these, motivation, organizational culture, and financial success are improved by a highly engaged workforce and on the other hand, absenteeism, turnover, and stress will be reduced. (Patro C.S, 2013). Organizations should not only provide their employees with fantastic infrastructure and other facilities, but also the freedom to make their work fascinating and to wave goodbye to a tedious work environment. They should prioritize retention as a result of three HR priority areas: employee motivation, career advancement and remuneration, and compensation. Thus, working in a safe and cooperative atmosphere increases an employee's level of engagement (Patro C.S, 2013)

Reference list

Amah E and Ahiauzu A, 2013. Employee involvement and organizational effectiveness. Journal of Management Development.

Kurdia,Alshurideh and Alnaser, 2020. The impact of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction: Theoretical and empirical underpinning. Management Science Letters

Mohan.R, 2017. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DISENGAGED AND ENGAGED EMPLOYEES. Socxo. [online] Brand Advocacy Solutions. Employee Advocacy. Customer Advocacy, Partner Advocacy. 

Patro C.S, 2013. The Impact of Employee Engagement on Organization's Productivity

Sridevi M, 2010. Employee Engagement: The Key to Improving Performance.. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(12), pp. 89-96

Ullah, Jamal, and Naeem, 2018. The Relationship of Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Jinnah Business Review, 6(1), pp. 35-41

Vance R.J, 2006. Employee Engagement and Commitment. SHRM FOUNDATION’S, Volume 1, p. 53. 


  1. Agreed with the content. In addition, Absenteeism, on the other hand, can be a silent murderer within an organization. It reduces output, deteriorates customer service, and increases stress and pressure on other employees. This is especially true in frontline workplaces, where fixed productivity requirements must typically be met regardless of who shows up. An engaged employee is less likely to just not show up or to call in sick when they are unable to work. In fact, organizations with engaged employees see 81% less absence than those with disengaged employees. When it comes to employee engagement, the very minimum is to make people want to come to work, or at the very least not want to avoid it. If managers can reduce absenteeism, the organization will benefit (Gabriel, 2022).

    1. Thanks for the comment Prabuddha, Organizations benefit from empowerment, which fosters a sense of belonging and pride in the workforce. Indeed, it fosters a win-win relationship between firms and their employees, which is regarded as an ideal environment by many organizations and their employees. Empowering can help to develop virtual human capabilities. Empowered individuals priorities their jobs and work-life, resulting in continuous growth in coordination and work procedures. Employees put their best ideas and novelties into empowered organizations, with a sense of belonging, passion, and delight Overall, they operate with a sense of duty and prefer the organization's benefits over their own (Yazdani,B.O. et al, 2011)

  2. Hi Christeena, interesting topic and wish to add, work quality is very important in achieving organizational goals so that it can generate employee engagement for each individual (Alqarni, 2016). In the industrial sector, employee engagement has a major effect on the sustainability of the company and leads to better performance changes (Mokaya & Kipyegon, 2014). A person can be professional when they have engaged in their work. The higher the employee engagement, the better the quality of work obtained. Besides, cognitive, emotional, and physical conditions while working also needs to be considered (Khan, 1990).

  3. Good article Christeena. Furthermore, good information sharing can result from any type of motivation. The findings indicate a strong relationship between awareness of sharing attitudes and intentions and motivational elements including advantages, enjoyment, and self-efficacy to assist others. They discuss the value of knowledge sharing inside organizations and how it contributes to attaining objectives (Lin, 2007).

    1. Thanks for the comment Miyuru, Work motivation, according to Pinder (1998 in Ambrose & Kulik, 1999), can be defined as a set of internal and external forces that originate work-related behavior and govern its form, direction, intensity, and duration. The concept is specific to the workplace, and encompasses the impact on work behavior of both external and internal forces. Work motivation displays itself in the workplace as an invisible, personal, and hypothetical construct that manifests itself in the form of observable, and thus measurable, behaviors.

  4. Good explanation. Organizations today have realized the importance of motivated and
    satisfied employees as important contributors towards long term objectives. It has made
    organizations to cater to the expectations and needs of the employees and could expect the
    similar response. Motivation also positively influences performance at individual and group level
    ultimately affecting the organizational performance (Risambessy et al 2012).


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