Mechanisms to Improve Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a notion that indicates how enthusiastic and dedicated a person is to their job. Employees that are engaged care deeply about their work and the company's performance (Vance, 2006) It has an impact on nearly every significant part of the business, including profitability, sales, customer experience, employee turnover, and others (Mamun & Hasan, 2017). Employee engagement is crucial for an organization because according to research, 92% of business executives believe that engaged employees perform better, enhancing the success of their teams and the bottom line (Mamun & Hasan, 2017).

While many businesses see their products as their most valuable asset, they fail to see that their people are what make their cogs move, Companies that cherish their employees will benefit from a committed, passionate, and skilled team. Those who fail to cultivate and reward their employees, on the other hand, will not get the most out of them, no matter how talented they are (Manik & Sidharta, 2017). Employers desire engaged employees, but few know how to obtain them. Begin with well-being to promote employee engagement. It is critical to demonstrate to your employees that you are concerned about their well-being by giving resources, communication, reinforcement, and encouragement (Hamill, 2022). When you treat your employees with respect and care for their overall well-being, it allows them to reconnect with what motivates them in their professions and prevents burnout (Hamill, 2022). On the other hand, every day, employees make decisions and take actions that have an impact on the workforce and organization. The way the firm treats employees, as well as how employees treat one another, can have a beneficial impact on their activities – or put the organization at risk (Manik & Sidharta, 2017).

Since employee engagement is crucial as discussed above, there should be an effective mechanism to improve it and maximize the productivity of the workforce.

(Vance, 2006) and (Clark, 2003) suggests different methods improve employee engagement.

  1. Improving Efficiency

It is important to move on with modern technologies and trends appropriately (Vance, 2006). According to recent research, inefficient processes consume up to 26% of an employee's working day. For instance, if a workplace forces its employees to use manual information systems, the employees may feel exhausted and they are wasting time and energy inefficiently (Vance, 2006).

      2. Improve Communication

The majority of human resource professionals and organizational executives agree that integrating corporate communication to business strategy is critical for effective and consistent business operations (Walker, 2016). Effective communication can help a company succeed in a variety of ways. It boosts employee morale, contentment, and engagement, assists employees in understanding their employment terms and conditions, and motivates their commitment and loyalty (Khan & Iqbal, 2013).

     3. Giving Recognition

Recognizing the employees goes a long way toward making them feel valued and enhancing their productivity (Khan & Iqbal, 2013). Over 91% of HR professionals agree that recognition and reward increase employee retention. Not only will their participation rise, but others will be inspired to fight for the same award, boosting workplace spirit in the process. When an employee feels recognized and valued, they may work more efficiently since they are satisfied (Khan & Iqbal, 2013).

    4. Encouraging Interaction

Work does not always have to be about work. In fact, developing relationships outside of the workplace can be an effective method to improve communication within the organization. On the other hand, positive interactions with colleagues will give the employees a sense of belonging and safety (Walker, 2016).

    5. Employee wellbeing

Individuals are significantly more likely to engage with their work when the organization makes an effort to improve their general well-being. To begin, a company-wide wellness project is an excellent method to boost employee engagement (Clark, 2003). Employees who feel valued and really cared for by their employer are far more likely to reciprocate. When the employees feel the company is taking care of them, their dedication to work automatically become a mutual process (Mamun & Hasan, 2017).

   6. Feedback

Employees, more often than not, crave feedback. It increases their working involvement (Clark, 2003). According to a Job list poll of over 1000 full-time employees, more than 33% still want more frequent feedback. Giving and receiving feedback make the workplace more interactive. On the other hand, it enhances the understanding among employees and managers. For instance, if a manager gives constant and regular feedback to her junior, the junior understands their strengths and weaknesses as well as the manager (Clark, 2003).

Apart from these, scholars suggest emphasizing company culture, giving individual attention, listening to the employees, and assigning employees to appropriate roles as other mechanisms to improve employee engagement in the workplace (Clark, 2003).

Reference list

Clark, R. E., 2003. Fostering the Work Motivation of Individuals and Teams. Performance Improvement, 42(3), pp. 21-29

Khan, W. & Iqbal, Y., 2013. an investigation of the relationship between work motivation (intrinsic & extrinsic) and employee engagement study on the allied bank of Pakistan.

Mamun, C. A. A. & Hasan, N., 2017. Factors affecting employee turnover and sound retention strategies in business organization: a conceptual view. Problems and Perspectives in Management , 15(1), pp. 63-71

Manik, E. & Sidharta, I., 2017. The Impact of Motivation, Ability, Role Perception on Employee Performance and Situational Factor as Moderating Variable of Public Agency in Bandung, Indonesia.. International Journal of Management Science and Business Administration, 3(4), pp. 65-73

Vance, R. J., 2006. Employee Engagement and Commitment. SHRM Foundation, Volume 1, p. 53

Walker, T. A., 2016. Strategies for Increasing Employee Engagement in the Service Industry 


  1. Agreed with the content Christeena, Employee engagement refers to things that are positively effective related to carrying out work that has aspects of vigor, dedication, and absorption (Schaufeli et al, 2006). This sense of engagement is a cognitive, emotional, and behavioral condition of the individual directed towards organizational goals. Employee engagement is a positive individual attachment, commitment, loyalty to one or one line of work (Xiao & Duan, 2014), or the individual's positive psychological state regarding their work (Saks & Gruman, 2014).

    1. Thanks for the comment Sachini, Work quality is critical in attaining organizational goals and generating employee engagement for each individual (Alqarni, 2016). Employee engagement has a significant impact on a company's sustainability and leads to improved performance adjustments in the industrial sector (Mokaya & Kipyegon, 2014). When a person is involved in their work, they might be professional. The higher the level of employee engagement, the higher the quality of work produced. Furthermore, cognitive, emotional, and physical conditions while working must be considered (Khan, 1990).

  2. Chridteena, According to Bagraim et al. (2007), the concept motivation refers to the force within usthat arouses (intensity), directs and sustains our behavior.So according to the above citation t here are 3 components of motivation, which is direction, intensity and persistency. The combination of these 3 components will give birth to effective motivation.


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