Importance of Employee Motivation for organizations

Employees are considered one of the most valuable assets of an organization in the present industrial world. According to Dickson (1973), they were considered as another input into the production of goods and services, but the perspectives started to change with the research called Hawthorne Studies (1924 – 1932) by Elton Mayo. Furthermore, Dickson explains that employees are not only motivated by money and motivation can be different from one individual to another. It is surprising that money is not the only factor that motivates employees, which means there are other factors that affect employee motivation. On the other hand, all the employees cannot be motivated using the same method.

According to Bedeian (1993), employee motivation is one of the main concerns of managers. Employee motivation is extremely important because motivated employees perform well in achieving organizational goals. Since Hawthorne Studies, many theories have been considered and applied to improve employee motivation because of their impact on the workplace. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s Two-factor theory, and Reinforcement Theory by B.F. Skinner and Expectancy Theory by Vroom are some commonly used theories in employee motivation (Haque, Haque and Islam, 2014).

It is interesting to understand the impact of employee motivation and its significance because it is the main concern of most organizations today (Vance, 2006). The importance of employee motivation can be understood as follows. If an employee lacks enthusiasm for their job, they are presumably working more slowly, putting off chores, and using their phones excessively. However, they lack energy and are largely distracted in their tasks. It is not only a waste of resources; it might also affect other employees, which could prevent the entire organization from creating work of great caliber or accomplishing crucial goals (Vance, 2006).

Thus, the lack of motivation can cause serious issues and they can cause undesirable outcomes. For instance, if a manager feels nostalgic about their responsibilities in the workplace, they become a poor role model to their juniors and new employees (Haque, Haque and Islam, 2014). On the other hand, they may delay crucial functions and tasks that directly affect the reputation and the operation of the company. If the employee is motivated, the situation is completely different (Khan and Iqbal, 2013).

Motivated employee, on the other hand, is enthused, determined, and perform their tasks with satisfaction (Varma, 2018). They work swiftly, take initiative, and want to perform the assigned tasks efficiently without minimum supervision. Employee motivation is crucial regardless of where the business is in its development. When it declines, output and revenue may not be far behind (Vance, 2006). Employee motivation is the vigor, dedication, and passion that workers bring to their jobs every day. Motivated workers are eager to do the majority of their tasks to the best of their ability, love their work most of the time, and are eager to advance their careers (Khan and Iqbal, 2013). They work at their employment for reasons other than mere money. Undoubtedly, a worker cannot be fully motivated every day or during every activity, they must do. Even the most motivated workers will experience bad days, and even though it's a required chore, filling out the cost or budget reports typically doesn't provide much job pleasure. However, motivated workers generally bring vigor and passion to the office most days. Unfortunately, employee motivation is a problem for the majority of firms (Ganta, 2014).

Companies must make careful efforts to inspire workers and maintain that inspiration throughout their careers (Patriota, 2009). Employee motivation is a huge asset for any company. They carry out all their tasks, no matter how big or minor, with the intention of doing a good job. They can motivate their teams members to follow suit (Yadav, 2020). Additionally, if they are managers and leaders, they can contribute to the success of the entire team by helping others stay focused and motivated. However, a lot of workers lack motivation. They are burnt out, disenchanted with their manager or the workplace, or simply bored in their positions. Employee motivation is significantly influenced by managers (Patriota, 2009).

According to Ganta (2014), motivation can be considered the key to performance improvement. Furthermore, motivated employees perform optimally in their jobs. The level of motivation at work directly affects how productive employees are. Thus, employee motivation is crucial for any workplace whether it is small or big. Using necessary methods to motivate individual employees is important to achieve organizational goals and to develop as a company Ganta (2014).

Reference list

Bedeian, A.G. (1993). Management.

Ganta, V. (2014). Motivation in the Workplace to Improve the Employee Performance. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management, and Applied Science, 2(6), pp.221–230.

Haque, M.F., Haque, M.A. and Islam, M., (2014). Motivational Theories-A Critical Analysis. ASA University Review, 8(1).

Khan, W. and Iqbal, Y. (2013). An investigation of the relationship between work motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic) and employee engagement: A study on the allied bank of Pakistan.

Patriota, D. (2009). Employee retention: An integrative view of Supportive Human Resource Practices and Perceived Organizational Support.

Vance, R.J., 2006. Employee engagement and commitment. SHRM Foundation, 1, p.53.

Varma, C. (2018). Importance of employee motivation and job satisfaction for organizational performance. International Journal of Social Science and Interdisciplinary Research, 6 (2), pp. 10-20.

Varma, C. (2018). Importance of employee motivation and job satisfaction for organizational performance. International Journal of Social Science and Interdisciplinary Research, 6 (2), pp. 10-20.

Yadav, A. (2020). Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Retention. Asian Journal of Managerial Science, 9 (1), pp. 30-35.


  1. Hi Christeena, Agreed with the shared points. Apart from that, given the significance of employee motivation, a study was conducted in the Afghan province of Nangarhar to determine whether workers' perceptions of compensation were accurate. According to the study case, randomly obtained from 350 employees of distinct private and public organizations through a five-Likert scale adapted questionnaire. To obtain consistent study results, the ordinary least square econometric assessment method was used. The results show that rewards have positive and statistically significant impacts on the motivation of employees. Further found the impact on employee motivation is positive on financial and non-financial benefits and strongly recommends both private and public organizations to motivate their employees through compensations (Muneeb and Ahmad, 2020).

    1. Thanks for the comment Ann, Nobody works for nothing, and no one should. Employees demand respectable compensation and remuneration, and employers want their employees to believe that is what they are getting (Houran. J). Money is the primary enticement; no other incentive or motivating strategy comes close in terms of influence value (Sara et al, 2004). It has the ability to attract, retain, and motivate people to perform better. Money, according to Frederick Taylor and his scientific management colleague, is the most important factor in motivating industrial workers to increase production (Adeyinka et al, 2007).

  2. Great approach Christeena. Employee performance is closely related to the results of one's work in an organization or company. The results of the work can involve quality, quantity, and timeliness, but performance evaluation in a company's organization is key in employee development. Performance evaluation is in principle a manifestation of an employee's performance appraisal form (Irfansyah, 2020).

    1. Thank you for the Comment Ishara, Performance appraisal, which involves a formal examination of individual performance, is a critical component of the performance management process. According to some, performance management represents the most significant opportunity for a human resource (HR) system to make a significant contribution to organizational performance (Sparrow and Hiltrop, 1994).

  3. Useful article Christeena, Global business environments are rapidly evolving, and firms who can adapt to these changes will be the ones to survive. Organizations must develop methods to withstand the intense competition, and those that succeed will be able to endure longer than their competitors. Managing employee churn that may result from the migration of many industrial workers is one of the biggest difficulties that organizations confront today. This may be a result of their lack of motivation and dedication to the company; this viewpoint highlights the need of researching motivation and how it relates to job satisfaction (Varma, 2018)

    1. Thanks for the comment Zacky, Luthans (1998) defined motivation as the process that elicits, energies, guides, and sustains action and performance. That is a method for influencing people's behavior and completing a task. Effective motivating techniques can also be used to influence people, increasing their level of job satisfaction and dedication. Although it is a motivator, money is not the main one. There are also more incentives available that can act as motivation.

  4. Agreed on the above content Christeena There are two types of motivation intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. An example of intrinsic motivation is when someone is motivated solely by the satisfaction of solving a task (Job satisfaction). Extrinsic motivation comes from sources other than the individual and frequently entails material benefits like medals, cash, accolades, or social recognition. (Cherry, 2022)

    1. Thanks for the comment Tharaka, Although intrinsic motivation is thought to be the most optimal form of motivation and is associated with a variety of benefits such as enjoyment, persistence, and psychological well-being (Deci and Ryan 2008), extrinsic motivators are sometimes thought to be useful in promoting action for behaviors that are not intrinsically interesting (e.g., recycling, doing homework, following traffic laws).

  5. Agreed Christeena, Money will inspire certain people considerably more than it would other people. Money doesn't necessarily inspire people in the same manner or to the same degree for everyone (Armstrong, 2014)

  6. Great article Christeena, I agreed the content and to add furthermore, every individual in an organization is motivated by some different way. When talking in term of employee motivation, it can be simply defined as “Employee motivation is a reflection of the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's workers bring to their jobs. Motivating the staff leads to broaden their skill to meet the organizational demands (Mohamud, Ibrahim and Hussein 2017). Moreover, motivation is the force that energizes, directs and sustains behavior. High performance is achieved by well-motivated people who are prepared to exercise discretionary effort, independently do more than is expected of them (Armstrong, 2014).

    1. Thanks for the comment Sanath, Employee motivation is one of the policies implemented by managers to improve the effectiveness of job management among employees in firms (Shadare et al, 2009). A motivated employee is aware of the specific goals and objectives that must be met, and thus devotes his or her efforts in that direction. According to Rutherford (1990), motivation makes a company more effective since motivated individuals are continually looking for better ways to execute their jobs, hence it is critical for firms to persuade their employees' motivation (Kalimullah et al, 2010).

  7. Hi Christeena, agreed on the content. In addition to these benefits, the motivation Increases the goodwill of the organization (Rothberg, 2005), The organization's cost can be reduced which related to the employees (Carr & Tang, 2005). Further, employees involvement, training, education, and engagement have a significant positive relationship with organizational performance (Habtoor, 2015)

    1. Thanks for the comment Romeda, Training has grown in popularity in human resources due to its positive correlation with employee performance (Kiweewa & Asiimwe, 2014). Training is a component of capacity building in any company that is carried out to increase employee performance and enable an organization to fulfill its goals (Tahir, Yousafzai, Jan, & Hashim, 2014).

  8. Great post Christeena. As such, according to Ahmad and Azumah, (n.d.), employee motivation, job satisfaction and job embeddedness are mentioned as the main factors that influence employee retention rates. Employees that are happy in their jobs typically perform more effectively at work and are more committed to the organization, which improves employee retention and lowers employee turnover (Dogonyaro, 2021). One of the most vital factors influencing human performance and behavior is motivation. All aspects of organizational performance can be impacted by the level of motivation that individuals or teams brought to their work tasks (Tan, S.K., 2013).

    1. Thanks for the comment Nadula, Employees who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to speak positively about the business; they are usually more aligned with task decisions and more attentive to helping coworkers (Vizano et. al, 2021; Husin & Nurwati, 2014).

  9. Good content Christeena, The commitment of the employee is an outcome of motivation and job satisfaction which leads employees to work towards achieving the organizational goals (Dessler, 2017).

    1. Thank you for the comment Sarasi, Job satisfaction and motivation are critical in the workplace, especially in the twenty-first century, since workers have grown more educated about their rights in the workplace through education. According to Fredrick Hertzberg's Job Satisfaction model, there are elements both within and outside of an organization that influences how satisfied employees are. These include the organizational structure, organizational culture, and internal politics inside the organization (Mullins, 2005).

  10. Good Article Christeena, Further to adding, An essential stimulus that controls human behavior is motivation, Because no two people have the same attitude or conduct, organizations must develop policies that will please the group as a whole rather than simply an individual, Organizations should be able to recognize and assess the internal motivation that employees get from their jobs and then supplement it with external incentive as needed, To do this, organizations can study motivation theories (VARMA, 2017, pp.10–20).

  11. Great approach Christeena. In a nutshell, the motivation possessed by employees further has the ability to improve organizational performance (Dobre, 2013).

  12. Agreeed your content Christeena and furthermore, The ingredients of motivation lie within all and the internalized drive toward the dominant thought of the moment (Rabby 2001) [1]. Motivation directly links to individual performance that gain to organization performance and as a catalyser for all individual employees working for an organization to enhance their working performance or to complete task in much better way than they usually do. Organization runs because of people working for it, and each person contributes toward achieving the ultimate goal of an organization.

  13. Hi Christeena, agreed on the content. In addition to this According to Butkus, R. T et al (1999) word motivation originally used before as “motivate” which means to “move”, influence to do some work to fulfill a need. Baron R. A (1983) defined motivation as “set of methods related with a sort of strength / energy that directs behavior towards achieving some particular goals”.

  14. Good article Christeena. Further, Organizations today have realized the importance of motivated and satisfied employees as important contributors towards long term objectives. Organizations now have a responsibility to address the wants and needs of their workforce and can anticipate a comparable response. Additionally, motivation has a favorable impact on performance at the individual and group levels, which eventually impacts organizational success (Risambessy et al, 2012).


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