
Showing posts from November, 2022

Importance of Employee Motivation for organizations

Employees are considered one of the most valuable assets of an organization in the present industrial world. According to Dickson (1973), they were considered as another input into the production of goods and services, but the perspectives started to change with the research called Hawthorne Studies (1924 – 1932) by Elton Mayo. Furthermore, Dickson explains that employees are not only motivated by money and motivation can be different from one individual to another. It is surprising that money is not the only factor that motivates employees, which means there are other factors that affect employee motivation. On the other hand, all the employees cannot be motivated using the same method. According to Bedeian (1993), employee motivation is one of the main concerns of managers. Employee motivation is extremely important because motivated employees perform well in achieving organizational goals. Since Hawthorne Studies, many theories have been considered and applied to improve employee

Motivating the Employees in Your Workplace

One of the most crucial elements in the field of human resource management is employee retention. Retaining competent and devoted personnel is essential since they form the foundation of successful businesses (Yadav, 2020). The longer an employee stays with the company, the better it is for the business because training new personnel takes time and money. According to Brooks (2007), full-time workers usually spend around 2100 hours at work annually. Employee motivation is a key factor that decides the development and growth of the company. there can be different facts to improve employee motivation and they are often different from one employee to another (Clark, 2003). Employee motivation is a major concern of many successful organizations, and it should be a continuous process that should be applied carefully (Varma, 2018). According to researchers and scholars in the field, money is not the only motivation for employees. There are several physicals, psychological and social factor

Motivation at Workplace; A Psychological Approach

 Motivation psychologists typically aim to demonstrate how motivation fluctuates within an individual over time or among various persons at the same moment (Wigfield & Eccles, 2002) . The goal of motivational psychology is to understand how and why this occurs (Wigfield & Eccles, 2002) . Psychologists developed broad perspectives on motivation based on numerous types of investigations. To account for motivation in terms of anticipating an end-state or goal, cognitive analysis, behavioral anticipation, and affective devices are frequently used (McLeod, 2007) . The study of how biological, psychological, and environmental factors influence motivation is known as motivation psychology (Wigfield & Eccles, 2002) . That is, what role do the body and brain play in motivation; what mental processes play a role; and finally, how do material rewards, goals, and their mental representations motivate individuals (Souders, 2019). The phrase "motivation" refers to the reaso

Mechanisms to Improve Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a notion that indicates how enthusiastic and dedicated a person is to their job. Employees that are engaged care deeply about their work and the company's performance  (Vance, 2006) It has an impact on nearly every significant part of the business, including profitability, sales, customer experience, employee turnover, and others  (Mamun & Hasan, 2017) . Employee engagement is crucial for an organization because according to research, 92% of business executives believe that engaged employees perform better, enhancing the success of their teams and the bottom line  (Mamun & Hasan, 2017) . While many businesses see their products as their most valuable asset, they fail to see that their people are what make their cogs move, Companies that cherish their employees will benefit from a committed, passionate, and skilled team. Those who fail to cultivate and reward their employees, on the other hand, will not get the most out of them, no matter how talent

Employee Engagement and Motivation

Employee engagement is defined as a positive, rewarding work-related mental state marked by vigor, dedication, and absorption (Schaufeli, 2013) . The concept is becoming increasingly significant as research reveals that engaged workers perform better. Work motivation has been studied throughout the twentieth century; however, employee engagement was almost unknown before the 1990s  (Ghosh, et al., 2020) . It is suggested that as the nature of work has shifted from a mostly self-employed economy to one where the majority of people are hired by an organization, motivational and employee engagement aspects have become more important  (Ghosh, et al., 2020) Employee engagement and employee motivation may appear to be synonymous, yet they are not. Motivation is the willpower and desire to act on such feelings, whereas engagement is a sense of purpose, belonging, and dedication to an institution  (Schaufeli, 2013) . Employee engagement lays the groundwork for your staff to execute thei

Contemporary Theories of Motivation and How to Apply Them to Workplace

Motivation theory is the study of what motivates a person to work toward a specific goal or end (Haque , et al., 2014) . It is crucial in many aspects of society, but especially in business and management. This is due to the fact that a motivated employee is more productive, and a productive employee is more profitable  (Haque , et al., 2014) . Although we are all familiar with classical theories of motivation, none of them are empirically supported. In terms of contemporary theories of motivation, all are well supported by evidence. The following are some contemporary/modern theories of motivation: McClelland’s Theory of Needs McClelland's Theory of Three Needs highlights the three desires that a person may have. Every individual is motivated by power, affiliation, or achievement  (Kurt S, 2021) . One trait is usually more dominant, although the others are present in everyone. According to McClelland (1961), a person has the 3 needs. If this theory is used to m

Benefits of Having a Highly Engaged Work Force

Employee engagement is a broad concept that encompasses practically all aspects of human resource management that we are familiar with. Employee engagement is built on preceding notions such as work satisfaction, employee commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior  (Ullah, et al., 2018) . Employee engagement is a broader notion that is connected to and incorporates these topics. Employee engagement is a higher predictor of positive organizational performance than job satisfaction, employee commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior, indicating a two-way link between employer and employee  (Ullah, et al., 2018) Employees that are emotionally attached to their organization and strongly invested in their job with tremendous excitement for their employer's success will go above and beyond the employment contractual agreement  (Sridevi M, 2010) An engaged employee is a true asset to a company, everyone is talking about the benefits of having engaged colleagues aroun